Dear Motorhead:
I really like SnowTrax this season and find it very interesting & helpful.
My ride is a 2006 Yamaha Nytro. I like this machine, but the darting really bothers me.
I have tried just about everything I can think of and nothing seems to work, but after seeing your show on the weekend I’m going to give the Slim Jim SY4-6580 a try and hope maybe this will fix my problem.
Keep up the good work and remember snowmobilers everywhere are watching you.
Thanks for all the great information.
Andrew H
Thanks for your email!
You are not alone. Virtually all Yamaha 4-strokes come with the same outdated, dart prone ski. This trait is amplified by the reality of a heavy motor mounted high in the chassis – essentially a too-high centre of gravity.
You can mask the inside ski-lift and darting problem quite effectively with a set of Slim Jims – these things work exceptionally well and settle the front end of Yamaha’s immediately.
Steering effort will increase slightly but you will welcome it as the sled will respond in a more linear way to your inputs. This will allow you to keep the inside ski planted in turns.
A bonus with Slim Jims is their extra long life – they are super durable and will outlast regular carbides by a wide margin.
Good luck!
Motorhead Mark