Looking At A High-Miler

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Dear Motorhead:

I’m looking to buy an ’08 Renegade X 600 HO SDI. It has 14,000 Kms on it. The owner told me that those engines go to 30,000 kms before you have to do anything to it. Should I be concerned about the mileage?

Thank you and I value your opinion on this.


Dear Dan,

Thanks again – for your email!

You better be able to buy the sled cheap as 14,000 klicks is high mileage in any one’s book. Personally, I feel any sled at 6000 miles (10 K klicks) should have all bearings in the chassis replaced including jackshaft, front drive and all skid tires. As well, clutch bushings, weights/rollers and sliding surface parts (torque buttons) need replacement.

If the engine is tight and compression is where it should be there are more miles in the engine – however, you can’t expect to go much beyond 10,000 miles without re-ringing.

By the way – the chassis details apply to either 2 or 4 stroke motors – obviously a snowmobile chassis doesn’t care what kind of motor moves it. The re-ringing of a two stroke is usually a good idea at the 10,000 mile mark and is actually cost effective.

Hope this helps,

Motorhead Mark

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