OFSC Closes Provincial Snowmobile Trail System

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The provincial snowmobile trail system operated by members of the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) for winter tourism is now closed for the season.

“Please avoid taking any foolish risks – for your own safety keep your sled parked until trails open again next winter.” That’s the urgent safety message from the OFSC as it warns all snowmobilers to stay off closed OFSC trails and not to trespass on private property.

The provincial trail closure means that grooming operations have ceased, regional trail connections are shut down, gates are locked and signs are being taken down. The snow base on most trails has disappeared entirely or is deteriorated to the point of being unsafe to ride, leaving many hazards exposed, including rocks, stumps and bare ground.

All ice is now becoming too unstable to support sleds or has melted away to open water. Spring run off and flooding is underway, making trails impassible, breaking trail connections and resulting in extreme danger.

The OFSC also cautions snowmobilers that off-trail locations and conditions are now unsafe for riding, including roads and open fields. The OFSC thanks all of its permit buyers for their support of the provincial trail system and their participation this winter.

We salute our clubs, volunteers and landowners who made it all possible and look forward to another great winter of OFSC snowmobiling in 2012.

The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is dedicated to providing strong leadership and support to member clubs and volunteers, to establishing and maintaining quality snowmobile trails which are used in a safe and environmentally responsible manner, and to furthering the enjoyment of organized snowmobiling.

Visit OFSC.on.ca for more information.

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