Dear Motorhead,
Recently I was riding on trail 2 from Gladstone Mi to Rapid River Mi to see a antique sled show. Somewhere near mid trail it got horribly rutty. Upon closer inspection it became obvious several ORV’s had been using a designated sled trail.
After several miles on the trail I saw the offenders and approached them to advise them no wheeled vehicles are allowed on designated sled trails in Michigan. They claimed a DNR officer advised them to ride the trails. Most of which in that section of trail (2) are private property and state land.
With multiple signage prohibiting wheeled vehicles, with some sections gated off in the summer months. The confrontation resulted in a 911 call in which the State Police confirmed no wheeled vehicles. Which led the offenders to contact the DNR officer who stuck by his story and claimed the State Police don’t know what they are talking about.
All said an done I am frustrated with some new unfriendly acquaintances. How can we get this DNR officer on the right page? He claims to be a 10 year Veteran. He claimed he will admit he is wrong if only shown in writing and feels he has nothing to make amends for.
So much for policing our sport with obvious violators. Again any suggestions?? BTW the antique show was very good, considering it was only in its second year.
Thanks again,
Thanks for your email!
I think there is only one place for you to go – the Michigan State Snowmobile Association (find them easily on the web) and call them for comment.
Motorhead Mark