Snowmobilers Celebrate A Great Winter

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Press Release –

What a great snowmobiling season! Along with the successful launch of its new Go Snowmobiling Campaign, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) celebrated a good, old-fashioned Canadian winter across most of Ontario.

The first of what proved to be a record snowfall season in many areas came in November. Many OFSC trails opened for the Christmas holidays, providing a real boon for winter tourism operators in rural and northern areas that benefit most from its annual $1.2 billion economic impact.

Then the snowmobiling season extended through Spring Break and the Easter Weekend, while OFSC trails continued to remain open for good spring riding through the end of March in many areas. Even today, some snowmobile trails in Northern Ontario remain available for limited spring riding.

“Thanks to great snow conditions, thousands of people got to go snowmobiling for the first time or to discover it again, said Go Snowmobiling Campaign Coordinator John Blaicher. “Overall, permit sales were up by about 2%, while actual participation increased as more snowmobilers rode more often, with more family and friends, to more places, and covered greater distances.”

The OFSC estimates that snowmobilers rode over 150 million kilometres on its 41,000 of snowmobile trails. Another sure sign of a good winter is that many OFSC clubs groomed their trails for 12 weeks or more. Meanwhile, sled sales have reportedly increased by double digit percentages in some regions, while many snowmobile dealers also sold out of parts, accessories and clothing.

All of this reaffirms a strong future for snowmobiling in Ontario, especially considering the results of a recent study conducted by the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association.

It concluded that: “On a 10-point scale, non-snowmobilers across North America rated their desire to go snowmobiling as high as an 8 or 9.”

This season, non-snowmobilers got their wish thanks to Go Snowmobiling and to Old Man winter, and many more are expected to try it for the first time as Go Snowmobiling ramps up for winter 2009.

The OFSC wishes to thank its almost 7,000 club volunteers and more than 15,000 landowners for their part in making the winter of 2008 an outstanding success.

The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is dedicated to providing strong leadership and support to member clubs and volunteers, to establishing and maintaining quality snowmobile trails which are used in a safe and environmentally responsible manner, and to furthering the enjoyment of organized snowmobiling.

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