OFSC Declares Family Day for Snowmobiling

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Press Release –

What better way to enjoy Ontario’s new Family Day statutory holiday in the middle of winter than to go snowmobiling?

So the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) has officially declared the third Monday in February as “OFSC Go Snowmobiling Family Day”.

The OFSC invites all Ontarians to celebrate Ontario’s first Family Day, February 18th, from the seat of a snowmobile and welcomes families to try OFSC trails.

“We join the Province of Ontario in embracing the idea of family day because snowmobiling originated as a special family activity, and families who love winter remain the core of our volunteer base and ridership,“ said Bruce Robinson, the OFSC president who hales from a snowmobiling family in Kemptville. “My vision for Go Snowmobiling Family Day is that OFSC trails will be full of families having fun and sharing a memorable winter adventure that can only be had while snowmobiling.”

OFSC membership currently comprises more than 150,000 family riders who enjoy Ontario’s winter wonderland by snowmobiling on 40,000 km. of OFSC trails.

Many of these riders reside in small town and rural Ontario, but numerous urban families also enjoy OFSC trails. 75% of OFSC snowmobile owners are married.

The average snowmobile family has 0.8 children living at home. These family folks appreciate snowmobiling because it gets their family outdoors together and provides a shared experience that keeps parents and kids together.

Many family participants are multigenerational, with grandparents, their kids and grandchildren continuing to ride together.

The OFSC promotes family riding through 235 local snowmobile clubs that serve their home communities. One prime example of this family-orientation is the annual Snowarama rides hosted by many OFSC clubs for the Easter Seal Society of Ontario.

To date, OFSC clubs have raised $16.5 million to support children with physical disabilities and their families.

The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is dedicated to providing strong leadership and support to member clubs and volunteers, to establishing and maintaining quality snowmobile trails which are used in a safe and environmentally responsible manner, and to furthering the enjoyment of organized snowmobiling.

For further info, please visit www.ofsc.on.ca or contact: Jennifer Daoust (705) 526-9148.

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