Yamaha Vector LTX 1000: Off Trail Handling

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Here’s the fourth and final piece on off-trail handling. Find out how the Vector LTX 1000 handles in the fluff. Read on:

Y’know, we honestly feel bad putting this sled in last spot here. The new LTX is so much better than the Rage it’s not even worth talking about. However, in this area of comparison, weight carries a lot of… weight.

The Vector is the heaviest offering here and in deep snow we noticed it. It is most discernable when you’re running in ditches.

The LTX on occasion can still go nose down when stopped and getting back up to speed requires deliberate rearward-rider-weight shifting. This is where the LTX’s extra weight shows up most.

Honing big lakes on untramped snow, the LTX is a dream. It gets up on top and its torquey and linear 4-stroke provide seamless acceleration that’s increasingly easier to modulate with experience.

Top speed in deep snow is definitely better than the 121 Vector and overall handling in deep snow, provided you think carefully about your stops and dismounts with an eye to re-starting, is conclusively superior to the Vector 121.

We found the rider forward ergonomics light years better for applying body english and the new Vector is much better suited for stand-up riding in general.

A decent windshield and a well ducted intake keep snow out of the mill and off your body, provided you’re not in too deep.

Read the whole Crossover Comparo article in Supertrax Volume 19, Number 2!

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