Increased Propagation of Ski-Doo 4-Stroke Rumor

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The just discontinued RT (Mach-Z) platform with its potent 1000cc SDI engine is rumored to be re-emerging as an XP based 1000.

This rumor has been perpetuated by open admissions from some in the Ski-Doo brain trust who have nodded at the XP chassis’s ability to swallow the 1000 SDI mill in one gulp.

It’s apparent any competitive, non-turbocharged 120hp/600 class 4-stroke needs to displace at least 1000ccs. We think it’s possible Ski-Doo has a 120/600 class 4-stroke engine ready for insertion in the XP.

Ski-Doo is obsessed with protecting its increasing market share by responding to the market. In short, BRP is not about to let the Yamaha Nytro, the first 4-stroke snowmobile to possess credibly “light” weight, mow the lightweight grass established with the XP chassis.

The twist in this report is this: It’s also possible the entire rumor is actually centered on the 1000 SDI 2-stroke showing up in the XP.

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